Carolyn Carson- Solo Show

About Carolyn Carson Two themes run through Carolyn Carson’s life: the love of textiles and the history of women. As a young mother, she rekindled a childhood interest in sewing and learned to quilt, frequently coloring outside the lines to design her own patterns. As one quilt block leads to another, this new passion sparked …

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Construct Opening Night

construct opening night

Why fiber now? 

It’s the question contemporary fiberartists wrestle with, however subconsciously, every time they set to work. Why express my ideas with these methods and materials – often rooted in ancient, labor-intensive crafts – when there are so many easier, speedier alternatives? What am I building… and what am I building on?

Left A Thousand Bats by Mary Towner

CONSTRUCT, the most recent FGP members’ show, seeks to explore these issues and show off some pretty spectacular artwork in the process. Juror Sandra Jane Heard, winner of the Fiberart International 2013 Directors’ Award, set herself the goal of selecting a “provocative and intriguing breadth of work.” Not satisfied with creating a “cohesive and stimulating experience,” Heard wanted the show to bowl the viewer over with a sense of the “diversity and creativity” pulsing through fiberart today. No problem. Our artists are so up to the task!

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Sherri Roberts Opening Celebration

SherriRobertsSHERRI ROBERTS invites everyone to the Opening Celebration of her solo exhibition, TURNING TOWARD THE LIGHT, on Sunday Feb. 1, 12:30 – 2:30p.m. The opening takes place at the Undercroft Gallery, in the First Unitarian Church which is located at the corner of Morewood and Ellsworth Ave. in Shadyside.  Sherri will display both her fiber cartoons and earlier work, including her Judaica.

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Mystic Summit

The gathering of work in an exhibition represents a convergence of many artistic journeys, a unique assembly of individual artistic visions.  Work included in Mystic Summit reflects a confluence of creative output, the pinnacles and peaks of artistic process, and the exploration of materials and techniques within the fiber art world. May 1 – 25, …

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Welcome to the Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh and the launch of our brand-new website!

Thanks to designer Cara Rufenacht, catalyst Donna Kearns, guru Laura Tabakman, and all the other guild members who made it happen. We hope you will find our expanded on-line presence a fun and user-friendly way to stay in closer touch with the guild and all things fiber.

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Date: April 6-27, 2013

Location: Panza Gallery | 115 Sedgwick Street, Millvale PA 15209

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