Get the Word Out!

Do you have information you’d like to share with FGP members? Choose the form that’s right for you below.

Please allow at least 10 days lead time.

Promote an FGP Event or Program

Use this form to provide our communications team with all the information needed to promote an FGP event. FGP events and programs are listed on our website calendar, promoted in our monthly eblast, and amplified on our social media accounts.

Share News about an FGP Member, Program, or Group

Use this form to provide members with committee updates and/or member news. FGP news and updates appear in our monthly eblasts and on the FGP private Facebook page.

Request a Social Post

Use this form to share fiber community news with our membership. This is the place to tell us about non-FGP programs and events of interest to everyone in Pittsburgh’s fiber world. We will post fiber community news on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.