With the new exhibition coming up we wanted to check on artists who participated in previous exhibitions, see what they are up to now and how participating in Fiberart International impacted them. If you are a previous Fiberart International participant and you would like to update the community on the happenings in your life, please contact Katie Bulova at bulovakatie@gmail.com
Written by Katie Bulova
Erin Miller – Fiberart International 2016
“We are all finding news way of connecting”
These are the words that Erin Miller spoke as she met with me for the first time over Zoom. Erin is a fiber artist who concentrates her practice on cloth and color. She was in a brightly lit studio in Kentucky on Berea College’s campus. I was in a makeshift basement studio in Pittsburgh with the washing machine running in the background. Talking with Erin, a 2016 Fiberart International participant, made me realize that even with the spin cycle, I was pretty lucky to be just where I was, talking with her.
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