September President’s Message

Hello Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh members!

I’m happy to report our membership is up 6% since last month! While our goal isn’t to have a million members, we want every one of our 130 members to be engaged in their areas of interest. This is the heart of the mission of our community, for the guild to serve YOU.

Speaking of which, there is something for everyone at our upcoming Fiber Bash: Stash Swap & Silent Auction which takes place on September 22nd. You may remember this annual fiberfest from the pre-Covid days. It was our most engaging and best attended event, a place to meet nearly the whole community at once, to bring a friend, de-stash your studio, bid on amazing art, and more!

In addition to the delicious pot-luck foods we will all be sharing, I’ll be serving up an address with an overview of FGP happenings AND there will be awards! What are these awards, you ask? There are so many admirable members who deserve recognition for their service to the guild, I’m starting a new tradition!

Want to nominate someone? Email me.

We have a new Member Committee Chair, Cheryl Hopper, who is working to help you engage in the opportunities that will serve you! She will be calling each member to connect soon, but feel free to call her first if you’re hungry. She’s also helping to organize the following initiatives:

The printable Directory/Resource Guide, for ease of use and connection to your fellow members, is now available in the members-only section of the website. This will be updated quarterly AND…

We will be mailing out printed copies of the Resource Guide one time this fall, so make sure your info is up to date by October 1st, 2024, including your mailing address.

You can update your information by logging into the website or contacting Nancy Langer who can assist you.

Lastly, show your work in Spotlight, our non-juried members exhibition, opening on Oct 20 at the North Hills Art Center (entry deadline: Oct 12). Enter up to two pieces, and at least one will be guaranteed to be displayed with fellow member work. Need an extra boost to get started? Keep an eye on the events calendar for upcoming sessions that will provide assistance in entering this exhibition.

Engaging is so rewarding and it’s scientifically proven to increase happiness. You can start immediately THIS WEEKEND at A Fair in the Park. Stop by the main tent to see FGP demos, say hello to fellow members, and boost your endorphins. You can’t argue with science.

Looking forward to seeing you here and there,

Staci Offutt

FGP President 2024-2025