Did you know that Fiberart International has been happening for over 50 years? It began as Stitchery International and evolved to include all fiber-related mediums. Twenty-three exhibitions later, FI has been pivotal in exhibiting innovative work from around the world. Do you wonder just what it takes to produce an exhibition of this stature?
You know the old adage, “Many hands make light work.” In the case of Fiberart International, it’s many hands, feet, arms, legs, eyes, ears, brains!
For our last International, over 94 volunteers from the Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh donated their skills and time to make Fiberart International 2016 possible. Now once again, volunteers are coming forward to make FI2019 happen. To date, over 40 members have volunteered, and the number continues to rise. Enthusiasm mounts. We’re especially pleased to welcome new Guild members into our community of FI volunteers!
Much has already been accomplished. Three outstanding jurors will be choosing the show (see Home). The prospectus and calls for entry have been posted…and most exciting, entries have begun arriving!
A crucial brick in the foundation of each International is, of course, its funding. We’ve been fortunate to have local, statewide, national and international funders for past Internationals, and we’ve already written our grant proposals for FI2019.
Now we’re preparing for what comes next. Over 15 separate committees have been mobilized to ensure a successful FI2019. Entries will be processed for jurying. Then our jurors will review the work and choose the show. Later, we’ll receive, unpack, and install the artwork—some of our favorite tasks! We’ll plan and prepare for the opening weekend, including the gala opening reception and the very popular Forum. Watch for later blog posts where we’ll reveal more exciting information about upcoming FI2019 activities.
In the meantime… DON’T FORGET!! FI2019 ENTRY DEADLINE IS AUGUST 31, 2018
Apply here www.callforentry.org